Friday, July 29, 2011

Photoshop Slideshow

Here is a link to a slideshow I posted on
My attempt with this blog and the "business" is now moving toward sharing beautiful photography. Hopefully, there will be a lot more to come.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ten Top Wedding Pictures
(no particular order)

1. This was from my first wedding shoot and it was all on film. I prayed so hard over those rolls, and there was not a bad one in the bunch. We love you Doug and Eryn!

2. I think this is one of the best pictures of a bride that I have ever taken. I love it how her eye is peeking through the lace.

3. Ok, ok, ok. Yes, this is a picture from my wedding, but I'm taking credit for it because I set the shot up and it was taken with my camera (yes I brought my own camera to my wedding). I like this picture a lot better than any of the pictures we paid a guy to take for us.

4. This wedding took place on the beach on Catalina Island and I was privileged to be the photographer. Any picture would look good. This old derelict theatre was down the shore from the ceremony, shortly after saying, "I do."

5. Classic. Beautiful side-lighting. Beautiful couple.

6. A second marriage for both of them, and they are in love. Great backlight sunset with near-silhouette couple.

7. Most of these I leave anonymous, but this one's my baby sister. Soft focus photojournalism. This shot really caught the moment. This is the picture they have framed in their living room.

8. I think this photo is ageless--great in sepia.

9. The bride is quoted as saying, "This is the best picture of us ever!"

10. I love black and whites.

A good picture to start with...